February 5, 2015

Desk with many drawers
Keeping a stack of desk drawers organized isn't always easy, particularly when one is open and completely blocks access to the drawer below it. Sure, it might not be one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today, but it's a problem that's thankfully been solved thanks to Colors' Cartesia Desk featuring drawers that open in multiple directions.
Need to access some papers located in the top two drawers? No longer do you have to work out your plan of attack in advance, opening and closing one drawer before accessing the one beneath. With the Cartesia they can both be open at the same time without blocking access to each other. It's complete and utter brilliance, that also looks pretty damn lovely too. And the designers know it because they're asking $6, 000 for one. A fee that admittedly seems a little outrageous, until you notice the extra drawer at the back that hides power adapters and other cables. You had us at hello.