Furniture legs Extenders
I’m a make-do kind of girl, so while there is probably a better knife for cutting the cork, this was what I found on the tool bench. It’s a small dry wall saw. It did the trick. What you see there is the first disk I cut, but it wasn’t the right height. Then I realized there was a very easy way to get the cork to the right height. Take a look at the next photo.
I put the cork down on the ground right next to the leg and placed the knife right under the leg. With the knife, I put a small knick in the cork at the correct height. Then, I cut the cork again, and the height was almost perfect. There was still a slight wobble after I attached the cork with strong glue, but I was able to slightly adjust one of the screw extenders on another leg to get it just perfect.
This is the end result. If I wanted to, I could take a little black paint and paint the cork so it wouldn’t be so obvious, but I don’t know if I have them time to do that before my guests come tonight.
I don’t know how long the cork will stay on there, but for tonight, whoever sits in that chair won’t be wobbling back and forth.